Saturday, October 15, 2011

We're famous!

Well, kind of.

Way before I started this blog - like a few weeks before Allyson turned three - Allyson said something hysterical. I e-mailed it into Parents Magazine because they run funny quotes from kids on the last page of every issue. I thought, it'll be great if it gets in but no big deal if it doesn't.

Flash forward to yesterday. The November issue of Parents was in my mailbox. And our quote was in it!

Here is the long version of the quote they ran:

Ben and I are trying to teach Allyson manners. On this particular day she wanted some crackers. So Ben, wanting her to ask politely, said: "Can you say, 'please may I have some crackers?'"
Allyson answered: "Sure thing, Daddy. Get me some too."

I get absolutely nothing except for the thrill of being in print. But it's pretty cool.

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