Thursday, November 3, 2011

Music and Lyrics

Ben is really involved with music. He plays three instruments (clarinet, trombone and guitar), leads our church's praise band, has led our church's bell choir (but is stepping back because he wants to play again), and arranges stuff on occasion.

Recently our choir director (who is also our new bell director) wanted us to play a hymn. She has old music-writing software; she printed out a copy of what she'd written and gave it to Ben to take home and clean up.

Today, Allyson found a sheet of the old music. 

"Mommy!" she said, running up to me. "I worked very hard. I wrote this song for my daddy."
"Oh, great! Will you sing it for me?"
"Nope. I don't have a microphone."
"No microphone, no song."

And then I died of laughter.

She later scribbled on the music with a crayon, so I guess she KIND OF wrote a song. Ben was just impressed that she knew it was supposed to be music.

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